Amiga Web
Directory The Amiga Web
Directory offers a comprehensive collection of Amiga
sites on the Web. This site is hosted by the by the
Champaign-Urbana Computer Users Group and
Amiga Home Page Official home
page for the Amiga, Inc. Includes news, information
about user organizations, developer links, events, and
product information.
Amiga page Yahoo!'s
directory of links to Amiga. There are links to
software, user groups, and other information about Amiga
Amiga Report
magazine Home page for
the Amiga Report. This publication has become the de
facto standard for online Amiga journalism. Here you can
find current news, product reviews and information. You
may search recent issues for topics of
Amiga Technologies home
page Home page of
Amiga Technologies GmbH , manufacturer of Amiga
computers. This page offers links to news, product line,
and a multitude of information on the Amiga computer.
There is also a link to VIScorp, which acquired Amiga
Technologies in June, 1996.
with Amiga home page This site
highlights a web-based campaign to promote the Amiga as
an Internet computer. It includes specific information
on making the Amiga capable of performing tasks required
for full Internet use as well as the creation of web
FAQ and resource page Contains links
to Amiga Mosaic, World Wide Web and TCP/IP FAQs,
bibliographic resources, and a FAQ from
- Amiga software archive Provides a large
collection of Amiga software and links to related
news This Amiga news
home page, created by an Amiga power user, provides news
and product announcement information, along with a list
of useful Amiga sites.
2000 Gateway 2000's
home page. Gateway 2000 is one of the leading
manufacturers of PCs and also owns the rights to the
Amiga architecture.
hardware support page This page,
provided by the Champaign-Urbana Commodore User Group,
has an extensive list of links to Internet sites that
deal with Amiga hardware and technical
THE French Amiga
hardware database All you want to
know about the Amiga computer and its hardware